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Anthropology Week 6 Reading & Lecture Review

Anthropology Week 6 Reading & Lecture Review

Q 1. Homo habilis was named that because: 2. None of the hominin species we have discussed ever overlapped in time (co-existed with one another). 3. Homo erectus was the first hominin to leave the African continent. 4. The ‘Multiregional’ Theory states that: 5. The stereotypical ‘caveman’ look, derived from a Neanderthal fossil, is an accurate representation of what they would have looked like 6. Scientists are in total agreement about when anatomically modern humans achieved behavioral modernity.

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1. Homo habilis was named that because:c) she was long thought to be the first tool user 22. None of the hominin species we have discussed ever overlapped in time (co-existed with one another). F